There is a competitive soul inside each one of us and for the most part, we keep in check and only do things when they are truly capable of being done. Then again, there are times when somebody takes it too far and pays the price for it.
That is what is being reported in The Independent after a man allegedly drank himself to death. It started out with some fun and games and plenty of laughter but unfortunately, it didn’t end quite so nicely.
It seems as if the South African man was taking part in a wager in which he was going to drink an entire bottle of Jägermeister. It was a friendly bet among some friends, but it seems as if it wasn’t the smartest thing for him to do.
Jägermeister is no drink for a lightweight. The alcohol volume is 35%, so it is similar to some of the heavier drinks. It isn’t exactly like chugging a beer, it’s a serious issue and one that this man should not have taken on.
As the man was drinking the Jägermeister in front of his friends, they were cheering him on. One person even took a video and it seems as if that video is now going viral. He drank the entire bottle but it wasn’t long before trouble occurred.
Not long after the man drank the bottle, he began convulsing and collapsed. The police, who say the unnamed man is between 25 and 30 years of age are looking into his death at this time.
They do know that he was taking part in a binge drinking competition, but nobody is sure where it will go from here.
According to a spokesperson for the local police department, a liquor store in Mashamba village was holding a drinking competition. They wanted to see who was able to drink an entire bottle in the quickest time. The prize? Someone was going to walk away with $12.
Mojapelo reportedly told local media: “One of them immediately collapsed thereafter and was taken to the local clinic, where he was certified dead.”
It will be interesting to see where this one goes.
Source: YouTube, The Independent