Brian Worster was a man who seemed to have everything going for him. He had a beautiful fiance and the wedding was just months away. He was preparing for it but wasn’t able to make it. It wasn’t because he got cold feet, he was in a horrible car accident while driving his company truck. The next thing he knew, he woke up in a hospital bed, perhaps a little confused about what had happened. In fact, the main question on his mind was if everything was his fault or not.
Brian was weakened from the accident and all of the trauma that had taken place to his body. He was struggling to keep his eyes opened but he asked for a pen and proceeded to write something that very well could have been his final words to his family. Although he was holding on by a tread after such an ordeal he had one question on his mind and he wanted them to know how he felt as well.
Brian’s fiance, Lisa had been waiting for him at home that day. She didn’t know that he had taken a hit to the head and was unconscious and bleeding in the ICU. It was hours of unanswered phone calls that made her nervous and she started wondering where he could be.
Lela, a co-worker of Brians called her to let her know they saw one of the company trucks was in an accident but they didn’t know if Brian was involved. They started calling local hospitals and found out that he had been admitted. The staff wasn’t able to tell her what had happened, so she rushed to the hospital to find out how bad it was.
Lisa was having a hard time keeping it together so Lela told her they were going to drive. Later, she talked about the emotional event to a popular Facebook group:
“Driving to the hospital is all a blur to me. It’s just like in the movies. You feel as if you are trapped inside a nightmare and nothing around you seems to matter. I couldn’t hear any sounds around me. Just the terrible thoughts in my head.”
After she arrived at the hospital and rushed through the Neuro ICU doors, she was met with a terrible scene. The doors had been left open and she never should have seen what was happening right in front of her.
“I turned to my right and saw a crew of doctors performing surgery on a person’s head. With horror in the nurse’s eyes she realized I belonged to the man under the operating light. She quickly rushed me into the waiting room. A doctor came out quickly after. I was alone. Completely and utterly alone.”
Brian’s skull was crushed and he had suffered severe damage to his facial and orbital bones. On top of those issues, he had damage to his spinal cord. The real problem was that they couldn’t seem to get the bleeding under control, so they gave him a VP shunt and titanium implants to take some of the pressure off of his brain.
Lisa made the call to Marcie, his mother. She was always a positive person but the news was very heavy. When they arrived the next morning, Brian was beginning to get more responsive and he asked for a pen. She handed it to him, thinking about how handsome he was, even though he had so many tubes running in and out of him.
Brian wasn’t able to speak and Lisa’s heart dropped when he started writing. He wrote something that let them know what was on his mind: “Was it my fault?” Lisa didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know the details of the accident at the time but they would soon learn that he wasn’t to blame.
His next question was ‘is everyone okay?” The police had told them that nobody else was hurt in the accident. When Brian wrote his next words, it had everyone in tears. His words were: “I love you.”
Brian was in the ICU for over a month and in the hospital for another 2 months. Lisa would go every afternoon after work to visit and stay until she had o leave. She couldn’t stand to be apart from Brian but he had a good sense of humor over the situation. The problem was, Lisa would just not relax and care for herself:
“I was so exhausted that I constantly felt wired. My heart would race trying to get to that hospital quick enough. Every time I got there Brian would always wake up just to say, ‘Hey Boss, you don’t have to come every day, go enjoy yourself.’ I wouldn’t have dreamed to be anywhere else.”
There were visitors there every day to support them on the way to healing. Even some furry friends showed up to help Brian along the way.
Months had gone by and Brian was getting stronger. The wedding day finally arrived.
“Brian and I knew exactly what to give Marcie as a Mother of the Groom gift. We handed her a bracelet with Brian’s handwriting and the exact handwritten words ‘I love you’ inscribed on the bracelet that he wrote to her in the ICU. We held on to those first words Brian wrote down and made sure Marcie has those words with her forever.”
Everyone at the wedding had supported them on the journey. Through it all, Lisa kept up hope and now, she was truly able to enjoy the happiest day of her life.