Parents Were Told ‘Plan The Funeral’ For 10-Yr-Old Daughter But She Had Something To Say About It

Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases and most families have been touched by it in some way or another. It’s always a difficult trial when we have to go through it but it is especially difficult when a young child gets cancer.

That is what happened with Abby, a young girl who was diagnosed with cancer and spent six years of her young life fighting it. She was an inspiration to the family for everything that she did but eventually, she would be an inspiration to many others.

Abby Furco is the little girl that will have you believing in miracles again. She was diagnosed with leukemia when she was only four years old and at that time, the doctor said she only had a 20% chance of surviving.

The parents, obviously, were crushed but they didn’t know just how much of a fighter Abby was. She loved life and wasn’t ready to give up just because the doctor said she should.

Her mother, Patty, called the news that they received ‘devastating.’ She went on to say: “We were basically told that she was going to die, there was very little hope.”

During the time that Abby was fighting cancer, she had a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. Trial drugs were administered at one point and she also had radiation.

Through it all, her parents showed her a tremendous amount of love and they did everything they could for her. There were moments when they thought she wouldn’t pull through, but she continued to fight and get better.

Eventually, Abby was to the point where she went back to school and was even riding a bike. A year later, however, cancer came back and it was even more aggressive. Suddenly, she couldn’t walk and was back to a day-to-day struggle.

It was so difficult for her because she couldn’t move without it hurting. Her parents didn’t know what to do, because she was completely immobile at the time.

After getting another bone marrow transplant, her body rejected it. She was then diagnosed with a condition that caused her to be allergic to the transplant.

Eventually, little Abby had kidney failure and was put on dialysis. The doctors told her parents that they should just let her go and start planning for the funeral.

Everybody was gathered around to say goodbye to Abby but then she opened her eyes and said something that made everybody stop. She said: “I have so much living to do.”

Patty said that they couldn’t believe it and within a matter of days, she started getting up and moving around. Abby continued to get stronger and it was nothing short of a miracle. Even the doctors couldn’t explain it.

One of her doctors said: “We helped her get home on hospice. But when we started backing off, taking away treatments so she wasn’t on so many meds, she started getting better all on her own.”

He went on to say that if she continued on that path that he and the other doctors would look like fools.

Unfortunatly, Abby went on to pass away in her late teens. During her short life, she was able to inspire millions and it shows just what the human spirit is capable of doing.