We may face many different types of difficulties in life but one that many of us must eventually face is Alzheimer’s disease. If it doesn’t happen to us personally, it is likely that we are going to know somebody who is touched by it. That was the case with Stan Kipping. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it was a devastating blow for he and his wife.
Up until that point, they had lived a humble life in Redbud, Illinois. They didn’t have the money for comprehensive health care and with the medical bills mounting, they found themselves in dire straits. Eventually, they had to decide what was most important to pay and their $100 car payment fell behind.
They had no other option, so they turned to a higher source.
Eventually, the automobile payments fell far enough behind that a repo man was sent out to get the car. His name is Jim Ford and he approached them to ask for the keys.
As you can imagine, many people would cause a scene but Pat handed them over without a problem. She felt that everything was going according to design and there was no reason to be upset.
“When he took the car I said, ‘God, do whatever, whatever you think is best for us.’ You know, God works in mysterious ways.”
Jim began to drive the car away after hooking it up to his vehicle. He only got a few feet before he started to feel guilty.
It was then that he stopped his truck and reached for the cell phone.
“They’re like America’s grandparents. I saw my grandparents in them. And I made it a block before I pulled over and called the bank. And I asked them if I could pay off the past due amount.”
Jim ended up paying off the late payment but he went even further. He cleaned the car, changed the oil and then set up a Gofundme page to pay off the rest of the loan. Donations started coming in and soon they had more than enough.
A few days later, he returned to their home but now he had good news to give to them. He gave Pat back the keys to the car and then told him that the payments were now covered. He also gave them an envelope that was for money from the donations. It contained over $17,000!
Pat said: “He was wonderful. I mean, he’s the kindest man I’ve ever met in all my life… There’s good people out there. He’s our guardian angel.”
You can see more about this kind deed in the video below: