Susan Boyle And Elaine Paige Give Us All Chills With Their Beautiful Duet For A Live Audience

There are going to be times when we get exactly what we expect when we listen to somebody performing in concert. We may even pay for tickets, knowing that we are going to hear our favorite song or perhaps see a performance in front of us that is coming from an incredibly talented individual. Every once in a while, however, we are treated to a surprise and it seems as if they don’t come along as often as they should. A surprise was exactly what the judges got when Susan Boyle stepped out on stage and sang for them. Nobody was expecting the power behind her performance, but she gave it to them with both barrels.

Susan Boyle became almost a household name from the very first performance and she continues to make people happy when she sings for them. Like many celebrities and all of us, she also has certain singers that she considers to be her favorites. One of those is Elaine Paige, and it had been a lifelong dream for Susan to stand on stage with her and sing by her side. Some of us may have these dreams and we will never see them come to fruition but for Susan Boyle, the opportunity came in 2009. It came on the ITV television show that was hosted by Piers Morgan, “Susan Boyle’s Story” and it really shows her rise to fame in the music industry. It also shows something very special that happens when those two performers stand together on stage and join their voices.

It is always incredible to hear somebody with a lot of talent singing. It seems as if they have the ability to reach out and touch our hearts on a very personal level. Watching Susan Boyle and Elaine Paige singing together will do it in great measure to the point where you will be carried away with the music.

I’m sure that all of us hope that our dreams are able to come true. Even if they aren’t, it can be incredible to hear someone else and know that they are experiencing something very special in their lives.