12 Pandas Are Hiding in This Image. Try to Find Them All

When I was a kid growing up in New Orleans, one of my favorite school activities was going to the library on Wednesdays and being able to check out a book. Libraries are an amazing thing, and believe it or not, there are places in the world that don’t have them. However, here in the U.S., most schools have libraries. One thing libraries sometimes do is subscribe to various publications. My library had a magazine called “Highlights for Children.”  The magazine was founded by a married couple who had previously worked at another children’s magazine. They knew they could make something incredible and they decided to do it.

Highlights for Children has a motto: “Fun with a Purpose.” And that’s exactly what they are. One thing they have a lot is puzzles, and one of my favorite puzzles is one with hidden objects. I love finding objects that are hidden inside of an image. In the image below, there are 12 pandas hiding. Can you find them all?

Pretty challenging, right? Believe it or not, there really are 12 pandas in that image. Head over to the next page for the solution.

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