
A Puzzling Optical Illusion Is the Latest Craze in Puzzles and Riddles

Are you a person who loves puzzles and riddles? Since the beginning of recorded history, people have loved solving puzzles, it seems. I can remember growing up, my grandmother loved working the crossword puzzle every day when she got the morning paper. It wasn’t uncommon for her to have me fetching a dictionary for her so that she could try to solve it. In addition to that, she also liked other puzzles, and she and my mom liked doing search-a-word. The two of them even had competitions to see who could solve a puzzle first. It was fierce competition in our house, to say the least.

Thanks to the internet, people can find all sorts of puzzles and riddles to solve all over the place. This latest one that has captured everyone’s imagination is absolutely perfect. Can you read the text in the optical illusion below?

Did you figure it out? Head over to the next page for the solution.

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