Something Is Wrong in This Picture of a Bunch of Shoes. Can You Spot It?

What is it about puzzles and problems that people love so much? When I see a headline that says “try to solve this,” I can feel myself getting a little bit excited. That sounds kind of lame, and I know that, but admit it. You’re the same way. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this. Smart people enjoy a challenge and a puzzle now and then, and our readers are of course smart people. The fact is, our brains are biologically engineered to become excited by problems and puzzles. From a very young age, you can see your little children trying to solve the problems they encounter.

Maybe they have a set of those little cups that are all different sizes and stack together. Kids love stacking those things. Also, the shape puzzles that allow them to figure out what shape goes into what slot. Kids of all ages love puzzles. We also like being challenged. In the image below, there’s something wrong. Can you figure it out?

How did you do? If you need some assistance, head over to the next page for the solution.

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