When I was a kid growing up in New Orleans, I learned to love to read by reading a magazine called Highlights for Children at our school library. I wondered if they were still publishing and as it turns out, they are. You can still buy this wonderful magazine. They started out in 1946 and were published by Garry Cleveland Myers and his wife, Caroline. The couple lived in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, where they both worked for another children’s magazine for 12 years. Highlights has a slogan: “Fun with a Purpose.” That’s exactly what they are. Since its publication, Highlights has more than one billion copies in print.
One great thing about the magazine is that it doesn’t have advertisements. Geared towards elementary school, the magazine contains tons of puzzles and stories. The goal is to have children enjoy reading. One of my favorite parts about the magazine was the puzzles. Sometimes they would have a busy image that had mistakes in it. I was delighted to find a similar one to share here. The image below has nine mistakes. Can you find them? Do your best, but don’t worry. We’ll have the solutions on the next page.
How did you do? It’s not easy, is it! I swear, kids are smarter than we are. Head on over to the next page to see the mistakes.
Here are the solutions.
- Tiger hɑs horпs.
- Chess boɑrd hɑs less пᴜmber of sqᴜɑres (7 x 7)
- Sᴜп is risiпg ɑt 1 p.m.
- Dog hɑs ɑ tɑil like ɑ cɑt.
- Bᴜtterflies ɑre iп fish tɑпk.
- The boy hɑs oпe sleeve short.
- Gᴜitɑr top is like Sitɑr.
- Oпe wiпdow opeпs iпside while the other oᴜtside.
- Iп the pɑiпtiпg, the mɑп hɑs oпly oпe shoe.