There Is A Hidden Bottle And Your Mind Won’t Let You See It

When we look at something, we tend to get the big picture because that is our first instinct. It doesn’t matter if we are looking at a photograph in front of us or if we are looking at a cityscape, we take in as much information as we possibly can in as short amount of time as we can. In some cases, it can even save our life because we are taking in so much information that we may see something that we need to see immediately. It’s the way that we are designed, but it also can cause problems if we need to see some of the finer details. That is clearly seen when we take a look at the following picture.

You can think of this as being an eye test, a mental test, or perhaps even an IQ test. It’s just an interesting thing to pass the time because we are giving you 15 seconds to find something that is hidden in the picture. The picture itself is not very complex, but the vast majority of those who look at it are going to miss the hidden bottle. Take a little bit of time to see if you can find it, and try not to get caught up in the details of the picture but at the same time, try not to take in everything because the secret is in the details. After you give it your 15 seconds, you can check the following page to see where it was.

Can you find the hidden bottle in this picture?

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