If there is one thing that we know about riddles, it’s the fact that they are supposed to be difficult. Then again, there is something special about being able to solve the riddle and getting that little dopamine rush that really makes you feel good about yourself. In fact, that is why most people consider thinking about riddles of the first place. It’s something that allows them to exercise their brain and at the same time, put a smile on their face. Perhaps that is why people are loving this riddle so much because there is an obvious answer but it’s also something that most people tend to overlook.
The task is, you have to look at the following match stick equation and decide how you can make it work. There is an extra trick, it’s the fact that you can only move one of the matchsticks. That’s right, when you move a single matchstick in the equation, it is going to make the entire thing work out. I’d like for you to take a moment to try and figure this one out on your own. It’s not really math, it’s just trying to think through something that seems almost impossible.
If you’re able to get the answer, you are better than 99% of those who have tried! You can also check the next page to see if you were correct.