This Problem Is Simple Math But Nobody Can Get It

There are two different types of people in this world. One group of individuals loves math and the other group hates it. There doesn’t seem to be anybody in the middle.

Perhaps you can remember math class when you were in school. It was something that was challenging. Many people lived up to the challenge but are you somebody that always felt as if you were lagging behind?

The next time you look back on that part of your life, you can look back with a smile on your face. The reason why is that you were probably smarter at that time than you were at any other time in your life.

Of course, we realize that we all have a certain amount of wisdom that we gain over the years. There are some things, however, that we lose as time goes by. Some of it involves your understanding of math.

When you look at the equation below, you probably feel as if it is easy to solve. Would you believe, however, that 9/10 people who tried the equation were unsuccessful at trying it.

In fact, the one group of people who seem to do well with the quiz were those in middle school who were still taking math class.

So the question is, are you smarter than a 7th grader? Try this simple math problem and see if you get it.

If you are struggling or would like to check your answer, try looking at the following page.

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