You Will Never Find the Little Piggy Hiding Among All These Birds

Sometimes a little mental break is a wonderful thing, right? For me, one way I find is nice to escape when I need a break is by solving puzzles. Besides being entertaining and giving my brain a nice workout, it’s just a productive way to pass the time. One of my favorite types of puzzles is the one where there is a hidden object is in a sea of very similar objects. The king of these types of puzzles and brain teasers is a man named Gergely Dudas (also known as Dudolf). Dudolf is a popular children’s book illustrator who is also famous for his picture games that are seek-and-find puzzles.

Dudolf’s specialty is hiding something in a grouping of objects that are very similar. We’re not sure if the puzzle below is a Dudolf puzzle, but his images are very like this. Can you find the pig that is hiding among all of these birds?

Did you find the little piggy? Go to the next page to see where he was hiding.

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