Simple Tips That Can Make All The Difference With Sciatica And Lower Back Pain

One of the issues that we all have in common, regardless of who we are or what our lot is in life, is pain. Some of us experience it on a temporary basis or perhaps just as a reaction to something that we experience temporarily. At other times, however, pain can be chronic and ongoing and we might even find that it is limiting our quality of life to a great extent. When that happens, the only thing you can think about is how to get rid of the pain and get back on your feet again.

Back pain is one of the more common types of pain that we experience. In fact, lower back pain is among the most common reasons why people miss work. When you have pain in the lower back, it is sometimes associated with the sciatic nerve, which runs through the lower back and down both of the legs. When the sciatic nerve is pinched it causes a condition known as sciatica which can lead to many debilitating symptoms. Just trying to move around when you have sciatica is exhausting.

As was discussed, the reason why sciatica is called such is because it involves the sciatic nerve. It is not an issue in and of itself but it is a symptom or symptoms associated with irritation, pinching, or pressure on the sciatic nerve. When that area becomes inflamed, it can cause intense pain to shoot out along the nerve and down the legs.

Some people are able to manage the pain but in others, it can be a very serious issue. It may even continue to get worse rather than getting better. It doesn’t matter if you are making sudden movements, coughing, sneezing or doing anything else, it seems to put pressure on the area and the symptoms can flare up again.

Sciatica is often treated with a combination of medication and lifestyle changes. The medication that is either prescribed or taken over-the-counter is to help reduce the discomfort and other troubling symptoms. Those medications are often anti-inflammatory drugs, including NSAIDs, such as Aleve. You might also be able to reduce the issue by strengthening the core muscles or perhaps doing some stretching exercises.

It may be necessary to limit the activities that put additional strain on the lower back. This could include bending forward or trying to lift excessive weight. When you look at the video at the bottom of this page, you will find some great tips to relieve the pain you are experiencing effectively. It’s a short video but it is extremely helpful.

If you or a loved one suffer from sciatic nerve pain, you may find that the suggestions in the video are able to help.

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